Aim of the meeting
- Listening to the testimonies of affected communities who resist corporate impunity in the Global South and Europe, and their priorities for a treaty
- Update on the Treaty Process at the UN and on current campaigning activities, in Europe and internationally
- Exploring jointly the links and opportunity for collaboration between the UN Binding Treaty and Trade-Investment and Climate Change struggles.
Forty years after Salvador Allende denounced the growing power of transnational corporations and the threat they pose to peoples’ sovereignty at the UN, a historical vote at the Human Rights Council (UNHRC) resolved in June 2014 to initiate the negotiation process on an unprecedented treaty – a legally binding instrument on TNCs and other business enterprises in relation to human rights.
One year later, the first session of the Intergovernmental Working Group was held from July 6 to 10, 2015. Legal and human rights experts gave their opinion on what such a treaty should include in terms of scope and content which resulted in a lively debate between representatives of states, experts, civil society organisations and NGOs.
Key states did not participate in the process, including the US, Canada, Australia and Japan. The EU played a non-constructive role by trying to derail the process in the preparatory phase and also during the session. It is a disgrace that the EU Commission and its Member States proudly claim to actively promote and defend human rights internally and abroad, yet try to frustrate and derail the progress of this Working Group. The United States and the European Union defend investors’ interests through free trade agreements, such as TTIP & TPP despite strong objections from their citizens. Yet they refuse to engage in the UN Treaty process which would establish rights of affected people.
Brid Brennan (Transnational Institute), Rodrigo Peret (Franciscans International)
Pablo Fajardo / Humbergo Piaguaje, UDAPT (Ecuador)
Joseph Purugganan (Focus on the Global South)
Mercia Andrews (Rural Women's Assembly)
Anti-fracking movement
Philip Seufert (FIAN International)
Themba Nthavela (La Via Campesina – South Africa)
Diana Aguiar (FASE-Brazil, Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity)
Carole Peychaud (CCDF)
Marion Cadier (FIDH) & Dominic Renfrey (ESCR-NET)
Anne van Schaik (Friends of the Earth Europe)
Lala Hakuma Dadci (Aitec)
Pascoe Sabido (CEO) & Ricardo Navarro (CESTA -Friends of the Earth El Salvador)
This Workshop is convened by members of the Treaty Alliance, a coalition of grassroots networks and campaign groups around the world that is working collectively in support for the UN Binding Treaty.
Aitec, CCDF, ESCR-NET, FIAN International, FIDH, Les Amis de la Terre-Friends of the Earth France, Friends of the Earth Europe, Friends of the Earth International, Franciscans International, Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity, Transnational Institute,Ecologistas en Acción, FASE,CIDSE, CESTA- Friends of the Earth El Salvador, UDAPT
Date & time: 4 December 2015, 14:00-16:00
Venue: Lycée Jean Jaurès, Room 406, 1 Rue Dombasle, 93100 Montreuil, France
Registration: For more information, please contact: or
See also Business & Human Rights Resource Centre Debate the Treaty page to explore the discussion.