The world has an historic opportunity to reach a global agreement on climate change at COP21/CMP11. Only through a critical mass of engaged companies can the private sector be an effective part of the climate solution.
Hosted by UN Global Compact, UNEP and UNFCCC secretariat in cooperation with the French COP21/CMP11 incoming-Presidency, the Caring for Climate Business Forum will provide a venue for business and investors to meet with governments, civil society and the UN to advance the climate agenda. With plenary and thematic sessions and high-level meeting, the Forum will serve as a platform for companies to demonstrate progress and announce new commitments to action.
Held over two days, the third annual Caring for Climate Business Forum at COP21/CMP11 will provide a multi-stakeholder platform for dialogue and action among business, investors, civil society, the UN and Government officials. The first day of the Forum will consist of plenary and thematic sessions and feature announcements of new commitments to action. The second day* of the Forum will be a high-level meeting on corporate climate leadership bringing together chief executives, Ministers and heads of civil society and UN organizations. Nearly 700 participants are expected to attend, with the UN Secretary-General participating in key aspects of the event.7 December
The first day of the Forum will consist of thematic sessions on topics related to the UNFCCC agenda covering mitigation, adaptation, technology, finance as well as cross-cutting issues that build on the work of Caring for Climate such as carbon pricing, responsible policy engagement and science-based target setting. Sessions will be organized by the UN Global Compact, UNEP and UNEP Finance Initiative, UNFCCC secretariat and in collaboration with Caring for Climate strategic partners, which include Global Compact Network France, CDP, The Climate Group, Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), United Nations Foundation and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Day one venue: Civil society village, Paris-Le Bourget, France8 December*
Chief Executives of Caring for Climate and UNEP-FI signatories will engage in a high-level meeting together with Government representatives, including representatives of relevant bodies established under the UNFCCC. The high-level meeting will put forward an overview of all commitments and contributions by business and investors towards COP21. Following welcoming remarks, participants will engage in discussions focused on pricing the cost of carbon emissions. The event will conclude with a report-back segment and key recommendations for Government actions that would help bring greater scale and quality to corporate climate leadership globally. Day two venue: UN Blue zone, Paris-Le Bourget, France.
A preliminary programme will be available shortly.*
Please note that the second day of the Forum is open only to Chief Executives of Caring for Climate and UNEP-FI signatory companies.
Date: 7-8 December 2015
Venue: Paris-Le Bourget, France
Registration: The Caring for Climate Business Forum is by invitation only. If you are a business participant and would like to request an invitation, please send an email to Forum participants will be charged a fee to cover the costs of the event.