"Compulsory licensing in Colombia: Leaked documents show aggressive lobbying by Novartis", 11 Apr 2017
Leaked letters to the Ministry of Trade and Industry show how Novartis threatened to resort to international investment arbitration for an alleged violation of the Swiss-Colombian bilateral investment treaty (BIT)...This undemocratic procedural mechanism, better known as Investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS), forms part of many trade agreements and allows an investor from one country to bring a case directly against the country in which they have invested before a private international arbitration tribunal, without going through local courts first. This threat has undoubtedly influenced the decision of the Colombian health authorities to stop short of pursuing a compulsory license, focusing only on a price reduction...The confidential documentation unveiled by Public Eye reveals undue pressure and features many misleading facts related to the issuance of a compulsory license...The pharmaceutical industry and its hosting countries are fighting unfairly against any sovereign countries resorting to legitimate legal instruments such as compulsory licenses, out of fear that a precedent may be set. Colombia is no exception, and the lawsuits lodged by Novartis are just another sign that their determination is to place corporate interests and profits above public health and human rights.
Colombia: Leaked documents reveal Novartis threatened govt. with intl. investment arbitration over licensing of pharmaceutical patents
civic freedoms redirect
Commentary: New French vigilance law complements existing laws for subcontractors
"French Companies Must Show Duty of Care for Human and Environmental Rights", 4 Apr 2017
After the Constitutional Court rendered its recent decision on the law regarding the duty of care of parent companies and ordering companies, the rule has finally entered into force—but is it much ado about nothing?...According to the law, all companies headquartered in France and employing more than 5,000 employees in France, or headquartered in France or abroad and employing more than 10,000 employees worldwide, must set up vigilance plans...[A]fter the decision of the Constitutional Court, a company cannot be fined if it does not establish a vigilance plan or does not comply with its vigilance plan. Nevertheless, the breach of the duty of care may still entail liability for the company...Since the provisions of Law No. 2017-399 of March 27, 2017 are of immediate application, companies meeting the criteria established by the law should begin drafting vigilance plans in order to demonstrate the care they put into compliance with fundamental human and environmental rights...
Announcement: Marti Flacks appointed as Deputy Director North America
We are delighted to announce the appointment of our new Deputy Director, North America. Marti Flacks will join the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre on the 1st May, working out of Washington DC. She will take over from Annabel Short, who left at the end of March.
Marti is an experienced strategic leader and manager with an impressive track record. Marti’s last job was at the White House as Director for African Affairs for the National Security Council. Prior to that, at the U.S. Department of State, Marti led and worked on tough issues such as Dodd-Frank 1504, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative’s global rules, the US Responsible Investment Reporting Requirements for Burma, and Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement. Before joining the US Government, Marti worked for Human Rights Watch, the Carter Center, and the Earth Institute at Columbia University, either on staff or as a volunteer.
Marti is committed to our mission to put human rights at the heart of business, particularly in the changing international context, and has worked closely with civil society, business, and governments. She has a great talent for developing and delivering complex programmes and strategies, and nurturing high performing teams.
Marti will be a full member of the senior management team, and will lead our work on economic justice relating to labour and related rights, among other things.
Marti said: “I look forward to joining the Resource Centre’s Global Team. The business and human rights agenda is more relevant than ever on the changing international scene. I am excited to work with the broad movement for change, especially with those on the ground, and bring my experience to the opportunity and challenge we face together.”
We hope you will be able to meet Marti soon in your work.
Workers' rights & labour organisation in the gig economy
Australia: Amnesty Intl. report alleges Ferrovial & Broadspectrum complicit & profiting from systematic abuse of refugees
Brasil: ONU Direitos Humanos e Com. Inter. de Direitos Humanos manifestam preocupação com a proteção de defensores de direitos humanos no país
"ONU Direitos Humanos e CIDH manifestam preocupação com a proteção de defensores de direitos humanos no Brasil", 27 de março de 2017
...O Escritório Regional para América do Sul do Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para os Direitos Humanos (ACNUDH), e a Relatoria sobre os direitos de defensoras e defensores de direitos humanos da Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (CIDH) receberam com preocupação as notícias dos assassinatos de Waldomiro Costa Pereira, militante do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra…, …Pará, e do Cacique Antonio Mig Claudino, da Terra Indígena Serrinha,…Rio Grande do Sul,…[em]…20 de março…[O]…Comissionado Jose de Jesús Orozco, Relator sobre os Direitos dos Defensores e Defensoras de Direitos Humanos da CIDH, afirmou: "o Estado tem a obrigação de investigar de maneira rápida e efetiva ambos os homicídios e punir seus autores materiais e intelectuais, para mandar uma mensagem clara de que esses crimes não ficarão impunes"...“O Brasil é um dos países mais perigosos para defensoras e defensores de direitos humanos, sobretudo em consequência de atividades ligadas à disputa por terras, ao trabalho decente e à proteção do meio ambiente...Isso torna ativistas de direitos humanos que lutam pela reforma agrária, líderes sindicais, campesinos e comunitários e, lideranças indígenas, quilombolas e comunidades tradicionais desproporcionalmente mais vulneráveis a ataques e ameaças”...[afirmou Incalcaterra]...
Brasil: Audiência Pública do Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial 2017
[Informação recebida por email]
...Audiência Pública do Questionário ISE...
O evento ocorrerá no dia 10 de maio de 2017, das 8h30 às 18h00, no Auditório de Economia da Fundação Getulio Vargas, em São Paulo.
Para inscrever-se no evento, clique aqui.
Na ocasião, além de analisar a versão preliminar do Questionário ISE 2017, também serão analisados um conjunto de temas referentes à agenda das empresas e investidores em relação à sustentabilidade nos próximos anos. A discussão sobre esses temas iniciou durante as etapas de Consulta Pública On-line e dos Workshops de Revisão e prosseguirá ao longo do ano, para que, em 2018, seja apresentada uma versão mais profundamente revisada do questionário.
Após a Audiência Pública, eventuais ajustes ainda poderão ser incorporados ao questionário 2017, que seguirá para aprovação final do Conselho Deliberativo do ISE (CISE). A versão final do documento será divulgada em 27 de junho de 2017.
O material referente ao questionário 2017 e aos temas para 2018 estará em Consulta Pública até o dia 21 de abril. Para acessar o site da Consulta, clique aqui.
A programação do evento será a seguinte:
Abertura GVces
Dimensão Governança Corporativa
Dimensão Econômico-Financeira
Dimensões Geral e Natureza do Produto
Almoço (livre)
Dimensão Social
Dimensão Mudanças Climáticas
Dimensão Ambiental (Grupos A-E)
Dimensão Ambiental (IF)
Data: 10 de maio de 2017
Local: Fundação Getulio Vargas - Auditório da Economia
Rua Itapeva, 474 - 6º andar – Bela Vista – São Paulo, SP
Lembramos que a Audiência Pública será transmitida pela Internet, via canal do GVces no YouTube: www.youtube.com/gvces
[Mais informações sobre o projeto aqui: http://isebvmf.com.br/consulta-publica-ise-2017/?locale=pt-br]
USA: United Airlines passenger violently removed from flight after airline overbooks; CEO eventually apologises
Honduras: Defensora de derechos humanos, Hedme Castro, denuncia varios ataques; la organización acompaña comunidades que se oponen a minera
“Sabotaje al estilo paramilitar: Desconocidos colocaron tornillos en todas las llantas del vehículo de defensora de derechos humanos”, 10 de Abril de 2017
…Castro [Hedme Castro, Coordinadora de la Asociación para una Ciudadanía Participativa, (ACI-PARTICIPA)]…en los últimos meses ha sufrido reiterados ataques…La denunciante participó en una recepción de parlamentarios alemanes que visitaron el país…al día siguiente cuando lo condujo sintió como se desbalanceaba y comenzó a perder un poco el control, logró llegar a la oficina pero al llevar el automotor al mecánico éste detectó que había un tornillo incrustado en cada una de las cuatro llantas…Esta organización defensora ha sufrido muchos incidentes de seguridad, por eso la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos… Uno de los últimos acompañamiento que realizó ACI-Participa fue a los habitantes de Azacualpa…por las consecuencias en el medioambiente provocados por la minera Aura Minerals…En dicho acompañamiento Castro denunció que carros desconocidos dieron seguimiento a ella y a una periodista de la organización cuando documentaban las violaciones a derechos humanos provocadas por la minera…
Honduras: Amenazas y difamación contra radios comunitarias que defienden derecho a la tierra y se oponen a mineras e hidroeléctricos
“Honduras: Amenazas de muerte y ataques contra colaboradores de radios comunitarias y periodistas vinculados a movimientos sociales de Honduras y la defensa de la tierra”, 5 de Abril de 2017
…El 28 de marzo de 2017,el defensor de derechos humanos Esteban Vásquez, corresponsal de Radio Progreso y miembro del Movimiento Independiente Indígena Lenca de La Paz - MILPAH recibió amenazas de muerte…Durante esa semana, una nueva campaña de difamación contra el director de Radio Progreso apareció en redes sociales en Honduras…El 23 de marzo de 2017, Radio Dignidad recibió amenazas de muerte a través de su página de Facebook…El 8 de marzo de 2017,se lanzaron piedras a la puerta de la radio comunitaria La Voz Lenca…[El]…corresponsal de Radio Progreso, el defensor derechos humanos ha denunciado los efectos adversos que la minería y represas causarían al medioambiente y comunidades de La Paz. Radio Dignidad…está…haciendo campaña contra las violaciones de derechos humanos vinculadas a megaproyectos y minería industrial…
Centro América: Análisis sobre las maras y la violencia propone inversión focalizada para integrar a sus miembros a la economía formal; ONG y empresas han realizado intentos
“El salario del miedo: maras, violencia y extorsión en Centroamérica”, 6 de Abril de 2017
Las maras de Centroamérica son responsables de actos brutales de violencia, abuso de mujeres y el desplazamiento forzado de miles de personas. Los gobiernos de la región deben dejar de aplicar solamente medidas represivas, y tratar las raíces sociales y económicas de la cultura de las pandillas y sus redes de extorsión, además de invertir en comunidades afectadas…Las tramas de extorsión que dependen del control coercitivo sobre las comunidades y negocios…han provocado el asesinato de cientos de trabajadores del transporte y el éxodo de miles de personas en la última década….Una inversión económica focalizada y sustancial en las comunidades empobrecidas con una presencia significativa de las pandillas podría reducir los incentivos para el chantaje…Recomendaciones…Fomentar un enfoque responsable hacia la inversión integral y el apoyo empresarial en áreas y comunidades que muestren indicios de pacificación…Algunas organizaciones de la sociedad civil y empresas privadas han tratado de incrementar las oportunidades económicas para los miembros de estos grupos, pero por lo general siguen siendo vistas como enemigos públicos…
México: Asesinan a defensor de derechos humanos, opositor a la minería y a las altas tarifas de eléctricas de CFE, en Oaxaca
“Asesinan a activista opositor a la minería y las altas tarifas de luz, en Oaxaca”, 11 de Abril de 2017
…El representante común de la resistencia a las altas tarifas de la energía eléctrica en Chahuites, José Alberto Toledo Villalobos, fue asesinado…denunció la organización Articulación de Pueblos Originarios del Istmo de Tehuantepec (Apoyo).El defensor de los derechos humanos y también de la tierra y territorio contra las altas tarifas y minería en la localidad de San Pedro Tapanatepec, fue agredido a golpes el pasado sábado 8 de abril…y falleció un día después en el Hospital de Juchitán…Integrantes de Apoyo denunciaron que Toledo Villalobos, quien pertenecía a la Red Nacional de Resistencia Civil, llegó a recibir amenazas de muerte y advertencias de que dejará de exigir bajas tarifas de energía eléctrica…Finalmente, responsabilizaron a la Comisión Federal de Electricidad como actora intelectual del asesinato de Toledo Villalobos, así como al gobierno estatal y federal por su incapacidad para dar seguridad a los defensores de derechos humanos…
Rigged reform
The extreme gap between rich and poor is helping reshape US politics in unpredictable ways...A new analysis by Oxfam of the 50 largest public US companies shows that this task is harder than ever. Tax dodging by multinational corporations costs the US approximately $135 billion each year. But these schemes do not just harm the US. The same tactics corporations use to dodge US taxes sap an estimated $100 billion every year from poor countries, preventing crucial investments in schools, hospitals, roads, and other tools to reduce poverty. The harm done to Americans and people living in poor countries by corporate tax dodging are two sides of the same coin...A fair and effective tax system is the lifeblood of an efficient and well-functioning government. It allows society to pay for basic services like schools, hospitals, roads, first responders, social safety nets and other vital public services that can address poverty and ensure a thriving business climate. In developing countries, where there is an immense need to provide basic health and education for the hundreds of millions of people who still live in extreme poverty and lack affordable access even to primary schooling or preventative vaccines, revenues from taxes provide the most sustainable way to pay for teachers, doctors and police officers...
Donald Trump’s tax holiday 'would help top US companies save $300bn'
Donald Trump’s plan to encourage US companies to repatriate profits held offshore will allow the 50 biggest American corporations to save at least $300bn (£240bn), according to research by Oxfam. The US president has promised that he will get America’s biggest companies to bring their vast offshore cash piles back to US soil by offering a one-off tax holiday. The plan is to tax repatriated money at 10% rather than at the statutory rate of 35%. America’s 50 biggest companies had combined offshore cash piles of more than $1.6tn in 2015, according to Oxfam’s research...Trump’s proposed tax holiday would be a big boost for US technology companies which make a lot of money overseas and often park the profits in low-tax jurisdictions, such as Ireland...Oxfam’s research suggested that Apple would save $43.5bn in tax by taking advantage of Trump’s one-off 10% repatriation tax...Ana Arendar, Oxfam’s head of inequality, said: “These companies have deepened their use of tax havens and increased efforts to build influence to push for even greater tax breaks than they already have. Corporate tax dodgers cheat the US out of approximately $135bn in unpaid tax revenues every year and poor countries out of an estimated $100bn annually.”...
Big-league tax dodging
The US’s top 50 public corporations have $1.6 trillion stashed offshore, and current tax reform proposals by President Trump and Congressional leadership will only make the problem worse...In a new report called “Rigged Reform” Oxfam used corporate financial, lobbying, and investor disclosures to reveal that the 50 largest US companies used an opaque and secretive network of at least 1,751 subsidiaries in tax havens to avoid paying their fair share of taxes...The report...reveals that since 2009, these 50 companies alone have spent $2.5 billion in federal lobbying—almost $50 million for every member of Congress. Regardless of whether Congress passes tax reform, multinational companies have a responsibility to push for a more equitable and fair tax system. Doubling down on secrecy and complex artificial tax structures has real costs for companies. Apple, Facebook, Pfizer, McDonald’s, Amazon, and Starbucks are just a few of the companies that come under intense regulatory and reputational scrutiny—with multi-billion dollar consequences. More transparency—on both tax and lobbying—is a necessary first step...Finally, companies should advocate for a fairer, more equitable tax system by using their influence with public policymakers and other companies to oppose proposed tax reforms that would widen inequality...
The US Tax System is Rigged
Masterclass: Understanding climate change & migration
This one day course explores myth and reality of this complex issue. Climate change could radically change patterns of migration across the planet. Shifting weather and altered patterns of natural disasters could create new trends in migration and displacement. This course explores this issue in depth and will provide everyone with a firm grounding in the latest evidence and policy.
For more information please click here.
Billions of dollars for public services lost due to tax dodging by US companies, says Oxfam
Global Witness Evening Briefing - OPL 245 - Shell Knew
On 10th April, Global Witness and Finance Uncovered exposed leaked emails that revealed that Royal Dutch Shell knowingly participated in a vast bribery scheme for one of Africa’s most valuable oil blocks, known as OPL 245, which deprived Nigeria and its people of $1.1billion.
Global Witness’ investigations into the case have exposed how Shell’s most senior decision-makers knew that the money they paid for the oil block would go to convicted money launderer and ex-Nigerian oil minister Dan Etete, via his Malabu company – rather than benefiting the Nigerian people. For six years, Shell has consistently denied any wrong-doing, saying it only paid the Nigerian government. But after our release, Shell shifted its position.
In a statement on 10 April, Vice President for Global Media Relations at Shell, said: “Over time, it became clear to us that Etete was involved in Malabu and that the only way to resolve the impasse through a negotiated settlement was to engage with Etete and Malabu, whether we liked it or not”. He added Shell knew that the Nigerian government “would compensate Malabu to settle its claim on the block”.
This is devastating for the people of Nigeria. Right now five million of them face starvation. The money paid for the block equates to one and a half times what the UN says is needed to respond to the current famine crisis. But the Nigerian people saw none of the benefits.
Please join Global Witness’ Oil & Corruption campaigner, Barnaby Pace, to hear more about how the world’s fifth biggest company took part in a scheme which deprived Nigeria and its people in a murky deal for access to one of Africa’s most valuable oil blocks.
Light refreshments will be provided.