How do investors use their influence to drive change in companies? What is the role of NGOs and trade unions to put pressure on companies through investors? What examples can we learn from where this has worked well, and how to we build on these?
Martina Macpherson, Associate Director of Corporate Engagement at Hermes Investment Management. Hermes is an investment company with strong commitments to ethical investment, responsible ownership and sustainability.
Janet Williamson, Senior Policy Officer, Economics and Social Affairs Department, Trades Union Council.
Lisa Nathan is Programme Officer at Share Action, a charity that promotes responsible investment and gives savers a voice in the investment system. They build capacity among individuals, charities, faith groups, unions and other civil society organisations to engage with powerful investors, and use their own shares in companies to bring about change.
ETI's Breakfast Briefings
This event is part of a regular breakfast series called Ethical Insights, designed to generate informal and open debate and discussion on current and relevant issues around ethical trade over coffee & croissants. We aim to raise difficult questions, draw on evidence and challenge assumptions.
Date & time: 2 December 2015, 08:30-10:00
Venue: 8 Coldbath Square, London, EC1 5HL
Registration: Follow the link below to register