Channel: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
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Tanzania: Prime Minister orders land officials to address land conflicts between investors & local communities

"Address Land Conflicts Now, Premier Urges" Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa has told regional and district commissioners to address land conflicts in their areas..."Land is a property of the government, but areas which are being used for various activities of development should not be used as a source of conflicts among the people we lead," he said. The PM mentioned the conflict at Ruangwa gold mine between the investor and the residents as an example, saying that one was a result of leaving the valuation process in the hands of the investor, instead of the district council. The PM directed Ruangwa Municipal Council to evaluate the area and find out whether it can be used for agriculture or mining as well as find out what kind of food crops are suitable to be grown there. The prime minister insisted that it was essential for RCs and DCs to ensure there are no land conflicts in their areas.

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