Channel: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
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"10 New Year’s resolutions for CEOs" to advance human rights & sustainability - Oxfam America

"A year for people & the planet: 10 New Year’s resolutions for CEOs" ...10 New Year’s resolutions for every CEO should make to advance human rights and sustainability this year: Read the UN Guiding Principles... Re-configure your Corporate Social Responsibility department from one with a philanthropic objective to one that embeds human rights respect and environmental sustainability throughout your core business operations. Take note of your litigation and lobbying efforts, to what extend do they counter worker rights, tax justice, and environmental regulation?... Make gender equality and diversity within your company a key performance indicator... Think of...doing less harm rather than more good. Visit a community that may be negatively impacted by your business operations or supply chain. Consider your workers as your greatest asset rather than a cost to be manipulated. Talk to your investors about the risks your company faces from climate change... Consider how you are externalizing costs in your business and work to make them internal. Take one action that will make your company’s policies and practices more transparent...

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