Last week, the Business & Human Rights Resource Center (BHRRC) shared a helpful instructional video on how to use its new Company Action Platform (the Platform), which measures company action on human rights. Coming shortly before Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the video serves as a useful reminder of how consumers can take a hard look at what — if any — progress their favorite brands have made toward ensuring respect for human rights...Finding out whether and to what extent a company responded to BHRRC’s survey is easy, and consumers should leverage this information when making purchasing decisions...It may seem like there is little consumers can do about what happens inside a company; however, thanks to tools like the BHRRC platform (and others, like Sustainable Brands or Oxfam’s “Behind the Brands” campaign), we can take the time to find out which companies have demonstrated a respect for human rights and then factor that information into our purchasing decisions. The Holiday Season is a good time to start...