“Defining and addressing community opposition to wind development in Oaxaca”, Nov 2015
…For the first time since the 1930s, Mexico’s energy resources are open to foreign development and investment….One of several hot spots in this boom is the Isthmus of Tehuantepec…in the southern state of Oaxaca that holds massive potential for electrical generation from wind power. The Isthmus is home to a dynamic that is becoming increasingly common around the world as a consequence of the expansion of energy development into new and remote areas: energy development projects within the legal and/or traditional territories of Indigenous Peoples. On the Isthmus, this overlap of indigenous territories and large-scale energy development has sparked intense conflict between a number of indigenous communities and energy development corporations working with the support of the Mexican government…
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre previously invited Mareña Renovables, Macquarie Energy, Mitsubishi Corporation and PGGM to respond to these allegations. The responses are available here.