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Training Session: Access to Remedies in the EU for victims of corporate related human rights abuse

The Human Rights in Business project would like to invite you to our third Training Session in Vienna, Austria. The aim of the training session is to inform all interested stakeholders about current legal possibilities and challenges relating to judicial and non-judicial remedies within the EU, through which companies domiciled in a Member State can be held liable for alleged human rights abuses for which they or their subcontractors may be responsible, regardless of where the damage might have occurred. Two panels of speakers including NGO, union and company representatives, lawyers and scholars will provide a forum for discussion on the following topics: Bringing cases before European Courts: challenges for victims’ representatives and national jurisdictions (and how to overcome these challenges) Company-based grievance mechanisms – a promising non-judicial remedy? Advantages and disadvantages and relation to other judicial and non-judicial remedies At the end of the Training Session, researchers from the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights will present the findings of their project “Non-judicial Complaints: A Balance between Business and Human Rights Interests?” The training session will be conducted in English (without translation).Registration and attendance is free and open to any interested stakeholders and the public. For organisational reasons, we kindly request you to register via the online form provided here until 8 December 2015. For those interested but unable to attend, the training session will be video-recorded and made available on the project webpage. We invite your feedback and reflections, before, during and after the sessions via Twitter @HumanBusinessEU or through our forum: http://humanrightsinbusiness.eu/participate/ . In the weeks before the Training Session you will find additional information posted below, including the final programme, as well as some preparatory materials to download, so as to prepare for the Training Session. Date & time: 16 December 2015, 09:00-17:30 Venue: Haus der Europäischen Union, Wipplingerstraße 35, 1010 Vienna Registration: Follow the link below to register; registration closes 8 December. Event programme [PDF]

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