This year marks the 20th anniversary of the execution of Ken Saro-Wiwa, a Nigerian writer and activist who campaigned on human rights and environment issues for the Ogoni people in the Niger Delta. With space shrinking for civil society around the world and governments cracking down on human rights defenders, this event highlights the key issues at stake. At the event, the Institute for Human Rights and Business will launch its latest report, which is published jointly with Civil Rights Defenders and Front Line Defenders. The report showcases recent cases of human rights defenders challenging economic policies or business operations and the consequences they have faced. The report also includes essays outlining the importance of human rights defenders, the role of governments, what companies should do, and offers recommendations to the business community. It also argues that a wide civil society space is in the interests of companies. A distinguished panel of human rights advocates and activists will highlight the challenges facing human rights defenders.
Speakers and Discussants
Salil Tripathi, Senior Advisor, Global Issues, Institute for Human Rights and Business
Lynn Carter, Prisoners of Conscience Fund
Peter Frankental, Amnesty UK
Suzanne Spears, Volterra Fietta
Professor Chetan Bhatt, Director, Centre for the Study of Human Rights, LSE
This event is open to all but RSVP to needed.
A drinks reception will follow the event.
The Institute for Human Rights and Business is a global centre of excellence and expertise – a think & do tank – on the relationship between business and internationally proclaimed human rights standards. IHRB works to shape policy, advance practice and strengthen accountability to ensure the activities of companies do not contribute to human rights abuses, and in fact lead to positive outcomes.
The Centre for the Study of Human Rights at LSE is a trans-disciplinary centre of excellence for international academic research, teaching and critical scholarship on human rights.