"Ramy sprawozdawczości zgodnej z Wytycznymi ONZ dotyczącymi biznesu i praw człowieka z przewodnikiem wdrożeniowym"
Following the September publication of the UNGP Reporting Framework in Polish, the Implementation Guidance to the Reporting Framework is now also available in Polish, thanks to the efforts of the Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business. „Ramy sprawozdawczości zgodnej z Wytycznymi ONZ dotyczącymi biznesu i praw człowieka z przewodnikiem wdrożeniowym” is available here. The translation was funded by contributions from Orange Polska, Balajcza Specialized Translations, TÜVRheinlandPolska Sp. z o.o. and ProfitCom Software. This is the first time the UNGP Reporting Framework implementation guidance is available in a language other than its original English. Shift and Mazars are currently seeking support for additional language translations. To learn more, please contact us.