Channel: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
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Human Rights Law and the Extractive Industries

Human rights are critical to the oil and gas, mining, and timber industries. Extractive industries must operate where the resources are found, often in jurisdictions that lack the governmental and civil institutions necessary to protect human rights or that have records of failing to respect those rights. Around the world, human rights groups and individuals have challenged natural resource development proposals. Projects have been compromised for failure to adequately address human rights issues. Learn about practical approaches taken by industry to respond to these concerns and about the increasing body of international human rights law. This conference will be an invaluable opportunity for all stakeholders—including in-house, outside, and agency counsel, managers, NGOs, academics, and government officials—to gather and share their respective experience, and will produce practical and scholarly papers with lasting value. Highlights include:• The legal basis for business enterprises’ human rights obligations• UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights• The legal duty to respect human rights and provide access to remedy for violations• Tools for compliance, stakeholder engagement, identifying risks, and redressing violations• Considerations of special relevance to the extractive industries• Problems arising in conflict zones• Labor and environmental laws and standards• Ethical issues in advising clients in a corruption investigation• Practical advice for respecting and reporting on human rights Date: 18-19 Februry 2016 Venue: Marriott Panama Hotel, Panama City, Panama Registration: Download and complete the registration form below Agenda & Registration Form [PDF]

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