Former Irish president Mary Robinson…has argued for warming to be kept within 1.5°C…She has also campaigned for women…Six of The Conversation’s top experts…put their questions to Robinson about climate justice…In a world where climate change exacerbates the stresses of daily life on people already disenfranchised by poverty…radicalisation is very likely…The recurrent drought in Syria towards the end of the last decade…is now seen as a key aggravating factor…to the civil war…[T]he concerns of some of the world’s most vulnerable citizens are sometimes not even heard in negotiations…Women’s agency plays a significant role in driving climate action and their participation in the climate debate is a key factor for a fair and equitable climate agreement…My foundation recently commissioned a piece…called Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty the Climate Justice Way. This indicates that achieving zero carbon emissions by 2050 is compatible with achieving the right to development…