"Kayelekera HRIA Monitoring Summary"
NomoGaia has been evaluating and monitoring the human rights impacts of Paladin Energy’s Kayelekera Uranium Mine in Northern Malawi since 2009. During a 2015 monitoring visit, the mine had temporarily stopped operating and there were indications that the company might close its operations in Malawi. This represents a summary of findings from a 2015 monitoring visit…
Despite facing an array of contextual challenges, the human rights impacts of the Kayelekera mine are presently generally positive. The exception is with regardto corporate opacity, which affects the Kayelekera population’s ability to participate in public life and discussion, while also generating fear…
If Paladin does make the decision to close the Kayelekera Mine, it should give the local community as much notice as it is able in order to allow it adjust to the new reality. Closure will be an additional cost-and effort-burden on the company and will not be a short process. Ensuring that human rights are respected during that process is challenging and will require the company to employ appropriate human rights expertise.