Channel: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
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New report by the Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact presents perceptions of indigenous peoples on the ASEAN integration

The ASEAN Community aimed to be achieved by end 2015 has already has been declared established as of 22 November 2015 by ASEAN Leaders at their 27th Summit in Kuala Lumpur. Its roadmap for the next ten years is called "ASEAN 2025: Forging Ahead Together". ASEAN 2025 promises that the human rights, fundamental freedoms, and dignity of its peoples, and social justice will be promoted and protected, among a long list of promises. It also promises "greater prosperity through increased economic opportunities, enhanced regional connectivity, ease of intra-ASEAN travel and doing business as well as a resilient regional economy". Unfortunately, for many indigenous peoples, even before this ASEAN Community, their human rights and fundamental freedoms have already been severely violated and they have been left behind and even sacrificed for what is called 'greater prosperity'. This publication strives to present the perception of indigenous peoples on the ASEAN Community, especially its integration aspects.

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