"COP21: Masdar leads global water alliance", 06 December 2015
With water security becoming one of the most imposing long-term challenges for many countries, the Global Clean Water Alliance – H20 minus CO2 launches in Paris as a collaborative global climate initiative and one of the key components to the Lima Paris Action Plan. The Alliance has an initial group of more than 80 signatories from government as well as the public and private sectors. Masdar - Abu Dhabi’s renewable energy company - is encouraging governments; energy, water and related industry stakeholders - including laboratories and research organisations; universities and NGOs to join the Alliance. With access to drinking water already a major challenge for as much as one quarter of the world’s population, and further forecasts predicting that by 2030, 47 per cent of the global population will face water scarcity, The Global Clean Water Desalination Alliance – H20 minus CO2 is one of the few climate initiatives dealing with the water-energy nexus and climate change. The Alliance’s goal is to seek solutions that will substantially reduce the projected increase in CO2 emissions from the desalination process. The Alliance’s action plan could see a decrease in emissions from 50MTCO2 up to as much as 270MTCO2 per year by 2040...