…With the opening of “Le Galerie des Solutions” yesterday, innovation and action by the private sector was on grand display…showcasing how business can take the lead on climate solutions…At BSR’s event…we were fortunate to have a special guest presentation by COP21 President…Laurent Fabius. In his address, Fabius complimented the business community on its climate action and promised government leadership to follow…Fabius’ comment underscores what has become one of the unique aspects of COP this year: increased collaboration between business and policymakers…Together with We Mean Business, BSR is hopeful that climate negotiators will adopt key text in the final Paris Agreement that will catalyze ambitious action by business to ensure a low-carbon future…To ensure a thriving, clean economy, we must scale up climate finance…Almost 150 investors with assets under management in excess of US$19 trillion have already made commitments to climate action…